Weather & tidal times

Stay up to date with the latest weather and tidal information at Ramsgate


Use the links below to find the latest weather information:

Tide times for the next 7 days

View the Ramsgate tide times for the next seven days on the UK Hydrographic Office website.

Adjust the times given above for:


High Water Ramsgate + 7 Minutes (Approximately)


High Water Ramsgate + 45 Minutes (Approximately)

Tidal information for Thanet

Tidal Ranges

MHWS 5.2

MHWN 4.0

MLWN 1.4

MLWS 0.6

Tidal Data

Chart Datum is 2.58 Metres Below Ordnance Datum (Newlyn)

Charter Depth in the Inner Marina is 0.74 Metres Above Ordnance Datum (Newlyn)

Tidal directions

Ramsgate Royal Harbour

Ramsgate Tide Direction rate springs rate neaps
-6 206 1.2 knots 0.7 knots
-5 207 1.4 knots 0.8 knots
-4 210 1.8 knots 1.0 knots
-3 210 1.9 knots 1.0 knots
-2 150 1.1 knots 0.7 knots
-1 015 1.1 knots 0.5 knots
High Water 025 2.2 knots 1.2 knots
+1 033 2.2 knots 1.2 knots
+2 037 1.7 knots 1.0 knots
+3 050 1.0 knots 0.6 knots
+4 110 0.3 knots 0.2 knots
+5 200 0.7 knots 0.4 knots
+6 208 1.3 knots 0.7 knots

Tidal Differences – Dover

Tidal Ranges

MHWS 6.8

MHWN 5.3

MLWN 2.1

MLWS 0.8

High Water Low Water
00.00 06.00 01.00 07.00
12.00 18.00 13.00 19.00